My motivation for this piece comes from reflection over grief, loss and memory. Thefirst time I experienced loss it was someone that was very close to me and it alsohappened suddenly and in a dramatic way. So because of this I thought very muchabout this person and the memories I had of her. Later, as time passed on I noticedthat my memories had started to fade away and that made me upset. It felt unfairthat I should continue to lose more of this person. However, as more time went by, Ifelt that the memory still had a strong presence in my mind even though it hadbecome more fragmented and some things were not as clear anymore. And Iaccepted it. It was still there. So I wanted to make something that was obviouslyworn down, deteriorated and fragmented but you still could fill out the gaps and withthe right point of view make the pisces fit together.