Valentina Vukelic

As an antithesis to the modernist design approach of form
follows function that has been followed by designer Mar-
cel Breuer, who transformed bicycle tubes into chairs, this
project employs the same materials while investigating
the idea of creating freeform sculptures that can be expe-
rienced with the whole body. The series “Papillon” entails
sitting sculptures that convey a sense of movement light-
ness and flow, which have been developed through the
exploration of experimental design and working methods
influenced by gestural movement of the body. The first
part is about the research of chairs used as a symbol or
medium in sculpture, and an analysis on visual elements
that can be identified in sculptural furniture. The second
part is about developing an experimental design method
where different approaches have been tested such as
body drawing, recording dance movements with a virtu-
al reality headset combined with different tube bending
techniques leading to a sculptural furniture.

Tagged under: Bachelor 2022

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